To celebrate Writefury’s second blogiversary (which was *ahem* a few days ago), I’m reblogging one of my favorite posts (though they’re all great!). After this, I had a few new favorite words. XD

Enjoy! And if you do do this, put a link in the comments!!


Hey, everyone!

Another post in the category of “Story Starters” today. These are all words that exist, but until recently, I had no idea of. So have fun, guys! 😀

The Challenge: Write a story or poem using, or centering around, one of these words.

The Advanced Challenge: Write a story or poem with two or more of these words!

20150727-190117.jpgThis should especially be relatable to us writers who stay up late finishing something…





I think my favorite was that last one. But oh, gosh… petrachor…. I love that scent so much. 🙂 ❤

Which word is your favorite? What story ideas do you have for these words?

Please comment and tell me!

Also, if you write a story based on these, link it in the comments and I’ll add a link below that picture.

Have fun with it!


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