Hey everyone!

So if you’re an internet stalker who likes to figure stuff out about people and then murder them (yeah, I know who you are), then you might not want to leave this page.

My name is Alyssa (hi, Alyssa” … guys, I have siblings, Finding Nemo is my life) I’m an INTP (-T, if you’re curious) and I am a highschooler (though I always intro. myself as a college student … because why not??). I have a lot of siblings. Like, a lot. A lot, a lot. Okay, not a lot. But enough that I call my younger siblings “spares.” Yeah, I’m great that way.

Okay. So there’s that. Something odd about me … two of the best presents that I have ever received have been a jar of pickles (yay, Grandma and Grandpa!!) and a lemon tree (that one’s all on my dad!!!). I own two instruments, and I can play neither. I love anything and everything sad. My favorite words are defenestration and petrichor. I’m involved in WAY too many fandoms…

I like school. Like, a lot. I tried to get a petition going to do school over the summer. Oh, I’m homeschooled, btw. My favorite subjects are math (Algebra 1, specifically … 2 was such a disappointment), science (I love science … I’m just not good at it. Oh – I’m doing physics, which is awesome!), and I love certain histories.

I want to work at NASA, maybe something to do with physics or something equally smart … I still have to work out all the kink-ematics (haha, lame joke). But if that doesn’t work out (okay guys … let’s face it: it probably won’t), then I would love to be an accident reconstructionist. Fancy, huh?

Oh. I also like to write. Which is kinda why I have this blog. Right now (I was going to say write now, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it… *shudders*) I’m currently working on a fantasy novel that I just call Meryl – creative, huh? And my other main project is a lil’ somethin’ called Broken Reflections (*cough* which you can conveniently find that it is a blog serial riiiiiiight HERE).

And that’s really all there is to know about me. (Sorry, stalkers, my address isn’t here … you’ll have to keep looking.)

You can contact me HERE and my other book-themed blog is HERE. Thanks for reading! (Especially if you like, comment – I really like those – or subscribe!)