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January 2016

Broken Reflections Part IX

'Ello!! I'm baaack!! (From what, though, I have no clue!) So, I know, I know that I've been bad about posting Broken Reflections parts (Yes, that's right, it now has an official name! So instead of calling it the original (?) title, Mirrors,... Continue Reading →

Beautiful People

Hullo!! I bet that none of you can guess what today's post is about. Like, none of you. Haha. 😛 And since none of you could guess what it is, I'll tell you! It's Beautiful People, a link-up that two small-time blogger... Continue Reading →

What on Earth??

So, you all like my title? Haha. Well, I'm doing a character encounter with my character Meryl, and someone else from the book Water Princess, Fire Prince. (You can find the character encounter link here.) Basically, it's where one of my... Continue Reading →

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