Well, this week has been the lovely Morgan Huneke’s blog tour for her new book, The Crossways, and today I’ll be reviewing it! You can find my review for the first book here and my interview with Morgan here.

“M’lady, it has been fairly well confirmed that the Redona was hidden away by the merfolk at the conclusion of the Great War instead of destroyed as was commanded. My brother has confirmed to me Joseph’s belief that it was concealed at the Crossways.”

Toarna pressed her fingertips together in thought. “It must be recovered and destroyed as was at first intended.”

Emily, Allan, Jill, and Joey have been reunited with their long lost ancestors. But with that reunion comes the true beginning of their quest: free the rightful king of Calhortz so that he may be restored to his throne. The Redona, the only object that can free him from his long imprisonment, is rumored to be concealed in The Crossways, a mountain across the sea which cannot be entered.

A slave since birth, Adriel’s resentment and hatred towards the strytes only grows as his family is continually ripped from him. He longs for the freedom the Time Captives are prophesied to bring, but he doubts their existence, just as he doubts God’s love. Circumstances in Calhortz are so dire. How could they ever improve?

Who can enter The Crossways? Will the king ever be freed? Or will the slaves of Calhortz lose all hope of freedom before it is even offered to them?

The Crossways is the second book of the Time Captives trilogy, a tale of faith, family, fantasy, and a fight for truth and freedom.

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What I thought of it:

I really liked this book! It was even better then the first (and that one was pretty good!)!

But man! Those endings!! Book 3 can’t come out soon enough!

I also liked what Morgan put in at the end. I thoroughly enjoyed it (and if you want to know what it is, you’ll have to read the book or beg Morgan to tell you XD ).

Morgan is such a talented author, and it’s cool to see how her writing has improved with her last few books. 🙂


Eleanor. Oh, Eleanor. I liked her from the first book. But in The Crossways? Loved her! That poor girl! She’s gone through so much!!

I also liked Adriel. He denies God/doesn’t care for people (er, strytes), but loves his sister a ton!! Such a sweet boy under all that rebellion.

Emily’s character has changed so much (well, not so much) since the first book. It’s kinda cool to see all that’s happening with her.

And (who knows why?) I liked Captain Jeremy Herb. Well, like’s a strong word, I sorta liked him. There was just more of him in this book then the first. And maaaybe because I got him on Morgan’s Calhortean Character Quiz. 🙂

I’d better stop talking about all the characters before I read into SPOILER territory. 😀


This book had a pretty good plot. I liked all the themes and stuff.

It flowed seamlessly with the first book, and I’m sure it will do the same with the third.

And I loved how Morgan brought in Adriel, a lowly slave boy, and made him essential to the plot. Amazing!


Off the top of my head, I can’t think of anything. This book was great!!


This is another book that’s going to the books-I’m-going-to-make-my-brother-read-whether-he-wants-to-or-not-because-the-book-is-just-that-awesome. Yeah, it’s a real list. 😉

I highly recommend this book. As a matter of fact, I recommend any and all of Morgan’s books. 🙂

Five stars ∗∗∗∗∗

And there’s a GIVEAWAY! Be sure to check it out!! XD

Join in the excitement of Time Captives and enter to win a special prize! The first prize winner will receive a signed copy of The Crossways. The second prize winner will receive an eCopy of The Crossways in the eBook format of his/her choice. Giveaway open to U.S. residents only.

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You can also find the rest of the blog tour here. 🙂

About the Author

Morgan Elizabeth Huneke is a homeschool graduate who lives in Georgia. She has enjoyed creating characters and writing stories since early childhood. Her other interests include reading, playing the piano and violin, and politics. She is the author of Across the Stars and The Experiment.

You can connect with Morgan on her website, blog, Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, and Pinterest.