(This post is later in the day then it was suppose to be … um, sorry???)

Guys …it’s time for ANOTHER COVER REVEAL!!! *cue fangirling*

What? You say you can’t fangirl when you don’t know the book?? Fine.

The book is








(You can find my review for the first book, Water Princess, Fire Prince HERE.)

So, first some stuff about the author (’cause I’m nice like that 😉 ).

The Author

47-IMG_5944Kendra E. Ardnek is a homeschool graduate who picked up a pen at an early age and never put it down. The eldest of four, she makes her home in the Piney Woods of East Texas with her parents, younger siblings, giant herd of giraffes, and honor guard of nutcrackers.

The Book

Lady Dragon, Tela Du Final-001Two girls with one face
Two girls with twisted fate
One in purple, one in red
One shall speak the other’s death
Who shall win their final war?
Lady Dragon or Tela Du?

Amber, the Lady Dragon, has been promised a fifty-year reign over Rizkaland and nothing can stop her from claiming it. But when you’ve lived six thousand years, fifty is such a pitiful number. Only one person can keep her from making this reign permanent – the Tela Du, a girl who shall share Amber’s face.

The last thing Petra wants is a magical world interrupting her plans for a normal life, let alone an ultimate battle against the Lady Dragon with only one prophesied survivor. She has her childhood best friend, Reuben, at her side, but she’s not sure if he’s more of a help or a hindrance right now. Though she’d much prefer to just return home and forget about this whole crazy affair, things change when she discovers that the world has surprising connections to her own family – including her sister who disappeared without a trace two years before. Still, Rizkaland can’t possibly expect her to risk her very life, can it?



Haha. Yup. 😛

And, just to give you all something else along with this reveal… a small bit of what I think about on the first three parts of LDTD.

So, if you’re wondering, I got the chance to beta LDTD, and I’ve read through the first 3 parts of the book and … it’s awesome!!!!

Really guys!!! It’s just——– SO MANY SHIPPABLE PEOPLE AND ROMANCES. And you get some POV from our villain, Amber. And, of course, the Tela Du, Petra, is just BRILLIANT.

And Rueben.

Guys, Rueben.

He reads fantasy books and puts up with and loves Petra and is just awesome. Plus, he and Petra are just plain ol’ adorable together!

I’m definitely liking it better than WPFP … lots more of grin-like-an-idiot-and-get-odd-looks-from-people moments. Ummm, no, I do not speak from experience. Why on earth would you say that????????

Anyways. Yes. So. Good. And the SHIPS!!!!

cf35423a0778dd61f873597e2cb93ea2Note from Kendra: This was for a secondary character who played an … interesting role in the last part of the book. There are a lot of spoilers surrounding this character, but suffice to say that they allowed their wounds to lead them to doing something they regretted. 

Okay, now I will FINALLY let you see the cover! 😛






Okay, now I really will.

Lady Dragon, Tela Du Final

Soooo …. do you guys like it?? Very colorful and pretty, huh? I just LOVE the yellow texture stuff … whatever it’s called. 😉


“You know, I’m actually rather impressed with you, Amber. You haven’t turned into a dragon once since you set foot in Rizkaland. At least not when I’ve been watching, and I rather suspect that word would reach me if you had…”

Granite was standing in the doorway again. She sighed. “Can’t you be doing something useful?”

“Unfortunately, you don’t trust me to do any of your dirty work,” answered Granite. “Which is fair enough, because I refuse to do it anyway. So I’m making an observation instead.”

“Granite, I’m very busy at the moment.”

“Clearly. You’ve been busy for the last few months. I’ve barely seen you.”

Amber shook her head. “Oh, go bemoan your fate somewhere else. I’ve things to do.


Lastly in this post, a list of all the other people doing the reveal (others are doing interviews and fun things … so check it out! You don’t know what you’ll find!).


So. Yes. That’s the reveal! Check out the links and stuff! (Also, to justify the torturous wait that I put you all through, while I was typing up this post, it said “draft failed” (words a blogger NEVER wants to see), and I panicked ’cause it only showed me my first three sentences. Yikes. But I just closed the tab and found the draft elsewhere. Yay!) What do you think of the cover? Have you read this series before? Comment below and let me know!